
The Valentine’s Dance for tonight, February 8th, has been cancelled.

Play Among The Stars Theatre Groupe, Inc. is a non-profit organization for the physically and developmentally challenged. Based in Salem, NH we serve the Southern NH and Merrimac Valley region.

2025 Winter Sweepstakes Calendar


The 7th January Winter Sweepstakes event is  sadly completed but this year was the biggest and best of all! Thank-you to so many businesses, parents and friends who supported this fundraiser. Congratulations to everyone who won prizes! Proceeds from this event will be used to defer the expenses of our Spring performance which will be held on April 26, 7:00 P.M. at Salem NH High School. Hope to see you there.


  • Day 1: Sherri Delucca
  • Day 2: Jen Lacos
  • Day 3: Carol Reilly
  • Day 4: Samantha Potvin
  • Day 5: Nikki Young
  • Day 6: Scott Nelson
  • Day 7: Julie Malcolm
  • Day 8: Chuck Greene
  • Day 9: Ester Rosengard
  • Day 10: John Noftall
  • Day 11: Britt Hocking and Shane Wilhelmsen
  • Day 12: Jennifer Hughes
  • Day 13: Isabella Lloyd
  • Day 14: Ann West
  • Day 15: Steven and Lauren Prescott
  • Day 16: Teresa Dyer
  • Day 17: Mailyn Dinsmore
  • Day 18: Al and Jean Khoury
  • Day 19: Linda Silva
  • Day 20: Pam Gelette
  • Day 21: Mick Natoli
  • Day 22: Madison Ashford
  • Day 23: Aleena Tuladhan
  • Day 24: David Lin
  • Day 25: Bryan Burchfield
  • Day 26: Trish and Matt LaFond
  • Day 27: Bob Lamoureux
  • Day 28: Hank Shepard
  • Day 29: Kevin Brown
  • Day 30: Joe Hatch
  • Day 31: Rod Brown

Cancellation Policy

If theater rehearsal or any other theater event is canceled due to weather, it will be posted on this site by noon that day. If local schools are closed, we will not have theater. If you have any questions, call Sara at 207-303-9441 or 207-510-1789.